A Book On Censorship In Canada
Beginning in 1960 Ontario’s Ministry of Education indicated to publishers, teachers and parents that an open era of curriculum resources was set to begin. The bureau was responsible for half of the country’s English-speakers directly and influenced other provinces with its annual and nationally distributed textbook guide Circular 14. In fact after inviting publishers’ textbooks for review in seemingly open and accessible competition, Ontario secretly censored hundreds of textbooks already recommended by panels of paid subject experts. Publishers received fraudulent rejection letters, falsifying the circumstances of evaluation. Canadian Mockingbird presents the use of textbook selection and censorship in the public and Catholic school systems for the purposes of social engineering and political control.
Human Rights
International agreements and domestic civil protections, including the renown 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and 1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, specifically prohibit this type of deceit. Nonetheless with this book about textbooks, developed from classified archival fonds usually restricted from view, the author explains how Baby Boomer and Generation X students were manipulated by a quiet and longterm program of covert censorship.
Canadian Mockingbird is Jeremy Richard Tompkins’ second book on education censorship in Canada.
Featured Review
C. B. Lauer, Ph.D. and Plum Publishing Development Services review Canadian Mockingbird and compare it to existing writing on textbook censorship in Canada and the United States. An introduction to the censorship problem, chapter summaries, competing titles from the late 1970s to the last decade, and production notes are included.
“They did it on purpose”
– Margaret Atwood